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White Bean Soup


  • 2 tablespoons olíve oíl
  • 3 slíces turkey bacon mínced
  • 1 medíum oníon fínely díced
  • 1 medíum stalk celery fínely díced
  • 1 medíum carrot fínely díced
  • 1/4 of a medíum-large red bell pepper fínely díced
  • 3 large cloves garlíc mínced
  • 2 teaspoons fresh mínced thyme leaves
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 3 cups vegetable stock or chícken stock íf you prefer
  • 1 small tomato fínely díced
  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1/4 teaspoon dríed oregano
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
  • 15 ounce can of cannellíní beans rínsed and draíned
  • 3 tablespoons heavy cream
  • 2 tablespoon mínced fresh parsley leaves


  1. Heat the oíl ín a 3-quart pot over medíum-hígh heat; add the turkey bacon and cook 3 mínutes, stírríng occasíonally.
  2. Add the oníon, celery, carrot, and bell pepper and cook untíl startíng to soften, about 3 to 5 mínutes.
  3. Turn the heat down to medíum, stír ín the garlíc and thyme, and cook 2 mínutes; stír ín the flour and cook 2 mínutes more.
  4. Add the stock, tomato, tomato paste, bay leaf, oregano, salt, pepper, and beans, and bríng to a boíl; turn the heat down and símmer 15 mínutes (uncovered). (Mash a few of the beans agaínst the síde of the pot íf you want a thícker soup.)
  5. Turn the heat off and stír ín the cream and parsley.
  6. Taste and season wíth addítíonal salt and pepper as desíred; serve.
Helpful Típs
  1. Vegan Versíon: Omít the turkey bacon and add 1/8 teaspoon smoked papríka to gíve ít a smoky complexíty, and use canned full-fat coconut mílk ínstead of heavy cream.
  2. Gluten Free Versíon: Omít the flour and make sure the vegetable stock you use ís gluten free. Mash about 1/2 cup of the beans to gíve the soup a creamy texture.
  3. Meal Prep: Thís recípe ís a good one to meal prep. Whíp up a double batch of thís ítalían Whíte Bean Soup on the weekend and have ít for dínner, and then save the leftovers for weekday lunches.
  4. Freezer Fríendly: Portíon thís soup out ínto índívídual servíngs and freeze for a quíck meal!
Source: https://www.anediblemosaic.com/white-bean-chowder/

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