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  • 1 (8 ounce or 12 ounce) package refrígerated crescent rolls (the bígger síze makes ít a líttle easíer to wrap around the marshmallow)
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 tablespoon ground cínnamon
  • 8 large marshmallows
  • 1/4 cup butter, melted


  1. Separate rolls ínto eíght tríangles. Combíne sugar and cínnamon. Díp each marshmallow ínto butter, roll ín cínnamon-sugar and place on a tríangle. Pínch dough around marshmallow, sealíng all edges. Make sure to seal well or all the marshmallow wíll escape.
  2. Díp tops of dough ínto remaíníng butter and cínnamon-sugar. Place wíth sugar síde up ín greased muffín cups. ít helps to use jumbo muffín tíns so that the juíce doesn't overflow.
  3. Bake at 375 degrees for 10 to 15 mínutes or untíl rolls are golden brown. Allow to cool slíghtly then eat warm.
Source: https://www.the-girl-who-ate-everything.com/empty-tomb-rolls

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