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Instant Pot Death by Chocolate Cheesecake


  • 20 Doublē Stuffēd Orēo Cookiēs with filling


  • 2 packs room tēmp crēam chēēsē Philadēlphia is bēst
  • ½ cup sour crēam
  • 6 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp unswēētēnēd cocoa powdēr
  • 2 ēggs
  • 4 oz sēmi swēēt mēltēd chocolatē
  • 1 tsp vanilla

Ganachē for topping:

  • ½ cup chocolatē chips
  • ½ cup hēavy whipping crēam

Ganachē for topping:

  • ½ cup chocolatē chips
  • ½ cup hēavy whipping crēam

Instant Pot Death by Chocolate Cheesecake


  1. Prēparē your crust by placing your orēos into a food procēssor and blēnd until thēy form crumbs.
  2. Placē your orēos in a 6” springform pan, and pack down with your hand or a mēasuring cup.
  3. Placē in thē frēēzēr until thē filling is rēady.
  4. To makē your filling, start with all room tēmp ingrēdiēnts. Placē your crēam chēēsē into a largē mixing bowl, and mix on high until light and fluffy.
  5. Add in your sugar and mix until just combinēd.
  6. Add in sour crēam and mix until just combinēd, bēing carēful not to ovērmix.
  7. Add in thē mēltēd chocolatē, cocoa powdēr, and vanilla and mix until combinēd.
  8. Last, add in your ēggs, you want to makē thēsē thē vēry last thing you mix in and mix as LITTLē as possiblē. Add your ēggs onē at a timē and mix just ēnough so that thēy arē fully incorporatēd.
  9. Pour your filling into your prēparēd crust, and covēr thē top of your pan with tin foil. If you would likē to takē it a stēp furthēr, you can covēr thē bottom of thē pan as wēll.
  10. Prēparē your instant pot with onē cup of watēr, and placē your trivēt in thē bottom of your pot.
  11. TIP: Makē a sling by tēaring a piēcē of aluminum foil, and folding in making a long strip, and placē that on your trivēt. This will makē it ēasiēr to rēmovē your pan aftērwards!
  12. Placē your pan in your pot, and placē thē lid on, and makē surē it is sēalēd.
  13. Placē on high prēssurē for 35 minutēs.
  14. Aftēr 35 minutēs, allow for a natural rēlēasē. Whēn you can opēn thē pot, takē thē pan out, and placē somēwhērē that it can cool. I do not takē thē foil off of thē top, If you want you can at this point, just know it may look likē it is undērcookēd and vēry jiggly. It’s OKAY! Aftēr it cools complētēly, placē it in thē fridgē ovērnight.
  15. Oncē your chēēsēcakē has sēt ovērnight. Makē your ganachē by combining thē chocolatē and crēam into a microwavē safē bowl. Microwavē for 30 sēcond intērvals until thē chocolatē is mostly mēltēd. Stir thē chocolatē until all is mēltēd and it thickēns slightly and pour onto your chēēsēcakē.

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